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DJ [Duvvada Jagannadham] South Movie Story in Hindi

दुव्वादा जगन्नाधम शास्त्री अपने ब्राह्मण परिवार के साथ विजयवाड़ा के एक कैटरर के रूप में काम करने वाले रसोइए हैं। वह डीजे, एक स्टाइलिश और परोपकारी सतर्कता के रूप में भी सामने आता है, जो अपने गुरु सीआई पुरुषोत्तम की मदद से गलत काम करने वालों को मारता है। अपने दोस्त विग्नेश की शादी में, वह पूजा से मिलता है, जो राज्य के गृह मंत्री की बेटी है, और उसके स्वतंत्र स्वभाव के लिए गिर जाता है। रोयाला नायडू एक अभिनेता और एक बिल्डर हैं, जो एग्रो डायमंड नाम की एक धोखाधड़ी कंपनी भी चलाते हैं। नायडू ने अपने सचिव स्टीफन प्रकाश को एग्रो डायमंड्स का अगला सीईओ नियुक्त किया। लेकिन मौजूदा सीईओ समीर चंद्रा को पता चलता है कि स्टीफन ने पैसे कहीं और ट्रांसफर कर दिए हैं और एग्रो डायमंड कंपनी के खिलाफ केस फाइल कर देते हैं। शादी के बाद, जगन्नाधम को पता चला कि उसके चाचा ने आत्महत्या कर ली है और वह सुसाइड नोट पढ़ता है जिसमें बताया गया है कि उसके चाचा ने अपनी सारी बचत खर्च करके एग्रो डायमंड से 1800 वर्ग फुट का फ्लैट बुक किया था, लेकिन जब वह अपनी अंतिम किस्त का भुगतान करने गया, तो उसने पाया कि कंपनी फर्जी है। अवसाद और अपनी ही बेटी की नाराजगी के कारण उसने आत्महत्या कर ली।

जगन्नाधम को पुरुषोत्तम से पता चलता है कि ₹900 करोड़ ($138 मिलियन) का घोटाला [ए] स्टीफन प्रकाश द्वारा रचा गया है। जब समीर चंद्रा, जो अदालत में गवाह बनने के लिए सहमत होता है, स्टीफन द्वारा किराए पर लिए गए हिटमैन द्वारा मारा जाने वाला होता है, डीजे स्टीफन को हरा देता है और उसे बंदूक की नोक पर अपने हिटमैन को मिशन को रद्द करने के लिए कहता है। पूजा के पिता, जो रोयाला नायडू के अपराधों में भी शामिल हैं, को नायडू के बेटे अविनाश से शादी का प्रस्ताव मिलता है। जब वह अबू धाबी में अविनाश से मिलती है, तो वह उसे उसके व्यवहार के लिए नापसंद करने लगती है और जानती है कि वह सिज़ोफ्रेनिया से पीड़ित है। पूजा को जगन्नाधम के प्यार का एहसास तब होता है जब वह भारत लौटती है और अपने पिता के सामने जगन्नाधम के लिए अपने प्यार को कबूल करती है, जो समाज में उसकी स्थिति के मुद्दों का हवाला देते हुए अस्वीकार करता है। पूजा के पिता और नायडू ने जगन्नाधम को मारने की योजना बनाई। नायडू ने काम करने के लिए स्टीफन को काम पर रखा है। स्टीफन अपने गुर्गे की मदद से जगन्नाधम को लुभाता है, लेकिन जगन्नाधम उन पर हावी हो जाता है और स्टीफन का अपहरण कर लेता है। डीजे ने नायडू को चुनौती दी कि वह उसे ढूंढ़ लेंगे और उसके अपराधों के लिए भुगतान करेंगे; नायडू, जो डीजे के बारे में नहीं जानता है, डीजे के बारे में पता लगाने के लिए एक अधिकारी को नियुक्त करता है। जगन्नाधम ने अपने सहयोगियों के बारे में स्टीफन से जबरदस्ती पूछताछ करने की कोशिश की लेकिन व्यर्थ।

पूजा अंततः जगन्नाधम से अपने प्यार को कबूल करने के लिए विजयवाड़ा पहुंचती है और अपने पिता को उसकी और जगन्नाधम की तस्वीरें भेजती है। वह इसे नायडू को दिखाता है जो चौंक जाता है (नायडू कार में छिपे हुए थे जब स्टीफन को डीजे द्वारा बंदूक की नोक पर धमकी दी गई थी)। नायडू ने पूजा के पिता को ऐसे काम करने के लिए कहा जैसे वह प्रस्ताव के लिए सहमत हो। नायडू पूजा के पिता के अंगरक्षकों में से एक के रूप में तैयार होते हैं जहां पूजा और जगन्नाधम के परिवार एक-दूसरे से मिलते हैं। नायडू अंततः पहचानते हैं कि जगन्नाधम डीजे हैं। अगले दिन, जगन्नाधम की बहन और विग्नेश पर नायडू के गुर्गे द्वारा हमला किया जाता है, जहां उनसे स्टीफन प्रकाश के ठिकाने के बारे में पूछताछ की जाती है, और जगन्नाधम का परिवार भी उनसे परेशान होता है। जगन्नाधम अंत में पुरुषोत्तम के साथ निर्णय लेते हैं कि वह रोयाला नायडू को समाप्त कर देंगे। जगन्नाधम अपने परिवार को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए तीर्थ यात्रा पर भेजता है। नायडू के गुर्गे घर में घुस गए और जगन्नाधम से स्टीफन के ठिकाने के बारे में पूछा। जब जगन्नाधम ने अपने सरगना के बारे में पूछा तो उन्होंने उसे पीटा। जब वह मारे जाने वाले होते हैं, तो जगन्नाधम नायडू के गुर्गे से पवित्र रुद्राक्ष को हटाने के लिए कहते हैं (जो उनके पिता की हिंसा में शामिल न होने की तपस्या है)।

जब रुद्राक्ष हटा दिया जाता है, तो डीजे उन सभी गुंडों को मार देता है जो तब प्रकट करते हैं कि नायडू सरगना है। जगन्नाधम पूजा को फोन करते हैं और खुद को डीजे बताते हैं और उनसे नायडू के बेटे अविनाश के बारे में जानकारी मांगते हैं। जगन्नाधम अबू धाबी जाते हैं और अपनी मानसिक विकलांगता के साथ उनका उपयोग यह पता लगाने के लिए करते हैं कि रोयाला नायडू कहाँ हैं। नायडू ने पुरुषोत्तम का अपहरण कर लिया। अविनाश ठिकाने पर आता है और जगन्नाधम को धोखा देने के लिए उसकी पिटाई करता है। जगन्नाधम उन्हें पैसे दिखाता है और अविनाश को उसके पिता के खिलाफ कर देता है। जगन्नाधम, अविनाश की मानसिक विकलांगता की मदद से नायडू को गोली मार देता है। स्टीफन प्रकाश ने घोटाले के पीड़ितों को उनके घर और उनकी खोई हुई आय प्रदान करने की घोषणा की, लेकिन अविनाश को पुलिस पूछताछ के लिए ले जाया गया।

South Movie :- DJ Star Cast

Jeene Nahi Doonga : South Movie Story in Hindi | Jaeene Nahi Doonga Full Movie Story in Hindi

Jeene Nahi Doonga : South Movie Story in Hindi | Jaeene Nahi Doonga Full Movie Story in Hindi

 कहानी बुलेट राजा के बारे में है जो एक अच्छे दिल के साथ छोटे समय का बदमाश है। वह एक फंक्शन में स्वेता से मिलता है और उससे प्यार करने लगता है। लेकिन श्वेता पहले से ही एक शक्तिशाली स्थानीय गुंडे हार्बर बाबू से जुड़ी हुई है।

हार्बर बाबू बुलेट राजा को खत्म करने की योजना बनाता है और वह अपने प्रयासों में सफल होता है। बुलेट राजा यमलोकम की ओर जाता है जहां उसे पता चलता है कि चित्रगुप्त ने उसके जीवन को अन्यायपूर्ण तरीके से समाप्त कर दिया है और इसलिए वह यमधर्म राजा के साथ लड़ाई करता है। एक असहाय यमधर्म राजा ने उसे गृह मंत्री रवींद्र के शरीर में वापस पृथ्वी पर भेजने का फैसला किया,

जिसे उसके सहयोगियों बलराम, शांताराम और पवित्रानंद ने मार डाला। बुलेट राजा के रविंदर के शरीर में प्रवेश करने के बाद, वह अपने दुश्मनों का सामना करता है और अपनी माँ पार्वथम्मा और उनके अनुयायियों की इच्छाओं को पूरा करता है।

 Tollywood प्रेमम Movie Story

Tollywood प्रेमम Movie Story

 प्रेमम यह मूवी बहुत ही स्पेशल मूवी है।  इस मूवी मे  जो एक्टर वह एक सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर है और वह एक Anroid App को फंडिंग और पैसो के लिया कंपनी के मैनेर्जेर को मानते नजर आते है ।  हमारे एक्टर चाहते है उनकी Anroid app को बड़ी कंपनी एक्टर के नाम से लॉन्च करे । 

इस मूवी मे एक्टर को बार बार प्रयास करते हुए दिखाया है।  इस मूवी की स्टोरी आम आदमी से मिलती जुलती है। आज के समय मे किस तहर आज योवापीड़ी अपने सपनो को पूरा करने के लिया किस तहर से प्रयास कर रही है।  इस मूवी किस तहर प्रोब्लेम्स उसकी लाइफ मे आती वह दिखाई गई है ।  इस मूवी मे एक्टर के पापा जिनका नाम मूवी मे नारायणा  है और एक्टर के रूप मे उनका  (का नाम Krishna Murali) हे 
जो उसका हौसला बढ़ाते नजर आ रहे है।  जो एक्टर है जिसका नाम मूवी मे Vijay कृष्णा है उसका मार्गदर्शन करते नजर आ रहे है एक्टर के पापा।  ये मूवी उन लोगो को देखनी चाहिए जो अपनी लाइफ मे बार बार असफल हो रहे है उनको ये मूवी देखनी चाहिए मूवी बहुत ही शानदार है।  
Jeene Nahi Doonga : South Movie | Wiki | Story | Box Office Collection | Star Cast | Budget | Reviews

Jeene Nahi Doonga : South Movie | Wiki | Story | Box Office Collection | Star Cast | Budget | Reviews

दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका हमारे इस हमारी वेबसाइट पर

आज मैं बात करने जा रहा हूं जीने नहीं दूंगा साउथ सुपरहिट मूवी दोस्त इस मूवी को देखकर लगता है ऐसी मूवी आज तक नहीं बनी होगी किस तरीके  किस तरीके से एक बेटा अपने मां बाप की सेवा कर सकता है वह इसमें बताया गया है दोस्तों यह देखने लायक मूवी ऐसी मूवी हमारी बॉलीवुड में भी बनी चाहिए जिस तरीके से साउथ मूवी यह बनी है इस मूवी के अंदर जिस तरीके से हीरो अपने फर्ज को नहीं भूलता अपने फर्ज को निभाते है मूवी के अंदर जिस तरीके से कॉमेडी दी हुई है जो एक्शन है वह सब बहुत बढ़िया है यह मूवी बहुत ही अच्छी मूवी है इस मूवी के अंदर जिस तरीके से दिखाया गया कि किस तरीके से बच्चे अपने मां बाप को वर्ध आश्रम में

Amazing South Movie " Dear Comrade "

Dear Comrade Movie Story

The movie begins with Bobby aka Chaitanya Krishna heavily drunk, dejected and angry. He is unable to come to terms with the fact that his girlfriend Lilly doesn't want him in her life any more. The story now goes into flashback mode where Bobby is a leftist student union leader at a college in Kakinada, who has severe anger management issues. He fights for the students with right cause like his grandfather Comrade Suriyam. He fights with a local politician Bulliah's brother due to whom a girl from his college attempts suicide on repeated torture from him to reciprocate his love. He even spends a night in the lock-up with his friends over this. While returning he runs into Lilly aka Aparna Devi who causes him a minor accident and as compensation, Bobby takes away all her money to fix his bike. He returns home and gets to know that Lilly was in fact his childhood friend, (cousin of his neighbour's daughter Jaya) who has come to attend Jaya's wedding. Lilly keeps heartily teasing Bobby over his earlier infatuation with Jaya. During a local cricket match Bobby discovers that Lilly is in fact a state-level cricket player. He gets thoroughly impressed by her and slowly starts to fall for her. During a small party held in the union office to celebrate their team's victory, Lilly sees Bobby getting into a heated argument with a student political leader and despite her requests to walk away from it Bobby engages in a fist fight. Lilly realises that Bobby has anger management issues and tries to tell him to handle and resolve conflicts internally rather than enter into fights with others. She also reveals that she had a brother who had lost his life a few years back in a college campus clash and that Bobby's campus fights brought back those painful memories.  During Jaya's marriage Bobby confesses his love for Lilly. But she tells him that the two of them have different life paths to journey and that he'll probably forget her as soon as she goes away. Bobby isn't able to handle this rejection and Lilly leaves without bidding goodbye to him. After she leaves, Bobby can't stop thinking about her and rides all night to Hyderabad to meet her and tell her that he wants to be her comrade in her life's journey. Confessing that she too has been thinking a lot about him, she reciprocates his feelings. But Lilly tells Bobby how she is scared of him due to his excessive aggression but he calls it a minor issue and agrees to rectify it for her. Their love affair progresses passionately until one fateful day when Bobby is drawn into a fight with Bulliah's brother's gang yet again and unknowingly causes the accident of Bulliah's brother who slips into Coma. Bulliah gets angered and tells his men to kill Bobby and he gets seriously injured during the encounter with Bulliah's men inside his college campus with Lilly witnessing everything and forced to go through the trauma of losing a loved one once again. When he wakes up in hospital, Lilly starts advising and entreating him to give up his violent tendencies for the peace of mind of his loved ones and gives him an ultimatum to choose immediately to either control his anger and continue to be with her or leave her forever. Bobby loses his temper at this demand since he feels nobody is willing to listen to his side of things and in a fit of rage pushes Lilly out of the hospital and tells her to get lost in front of family and friends.  Bobby later realises his mistake and tries to reach out to Lilly but she asks him not to disturb her any more and let her move on for good and focus on her career. He gets heart-broken and on the advise of his grandfather, leaves home to travel and find his inner peace and true comrade self. He eventually joins a group of people who are working on a project on Sound healing. Three years after he had left home, Bobby and team go to Hyderabad to meet a doctor to showcase their work and while in the waiting hall he sees Jaya and her husband. They ask him whether he came to visit Lilly in the hospital. That's when Bobby gets to know that Lilly had met with an accident during the day of National Selection and is sad and agitated upon seeing her condition in the psychiatric ward. He sneaks her out of the hospital and takes her on a road-trip to Kerala to heal her both physically and emotionally. Her leg heals and she slowly appears to return to her former cheerful self. He drops her back at her house and run into the doctor who had been treating her. The doctor warns him that she may appear to be happy outside, but she has hidden pain inside. Bobby dismisses this and as he leaves Lilly he gives her his Digital voice recorder to listen to if at all she feel that she is in pain. Bobby and Lilly are then invited to their common friends’ marriage where Lilly is visibly impressed by Bobby's newfound maturity enabling him to effortlessly forgive and party with Bulliah's brother and his gang. She asks Bobby to marry her since she's eager to start a life with him. But Bobby states that there is no urgency for their marriage and instead asks her to focus on her career goals now that she's physically fit. To his surprise Lilly reveals that she has left cricket for good. She is angry at Bobby for persistently forcing her to go back to her cricketing life and walks away. Lilly increasingly feels that Bobby has forgotten the passionate love he once had for her. At the same time, Bobby starts to wonder why Lilly has suddenly lost all passion for cricket.  One day, Bobby spots Lilly's former teammate and friend Rubina, who now works in a tailoring shop. She tells Bobby the whole truth of what transpired in Lilly's life after he had left. During a high-profile tournament, Lilly's team won the cup and she was also named the “best player”. The chief-guest and presenter of the awards Ramesh Rao, who is a south-zone selector for BCCI, lusts for Lilly. He meets with Lilly in his office the next day and demands her to sleep with him to get selected for the national team. Lilly is visibly shaken and reduced to tears by this demand but refuses to lodge any complaint due to fear of confrontation, despite entreaties from her good friend Rubina in whom she had confided. But Rubina complains on Lilly's behalf anyway and getting wind of this Ramesh Rao barges into their change-room and physically assaults both Lilly and Rubina. Lilly who gets even more shaken and distressed due to this incident meets with an accident shortly afterwards while crossing the road in a daze. Due to her fractured leg and the sexual assault of Ramesh Rao, Lilly was now severely scarred mentally and slips into psychological breakdown and depression. On finally coming to know of all this through Rubina, Bobby gets furious and beats Ramesh Rao black and blue with his comrade friends. He then comes to Lilly and breaks down in front of her apologising for ever having left her. Lilly is unaware of the reason for this sudden confession but is heartened by the fact that some of his old passion for her has returned. But Bobby then takes Lilly to the police station where his friends were waiting, to lodge an official police complaint against Ramesh Rao on the sexual harassment incident. Lilly, suddenly realising the reason for Bobby's emotional turnaround, refuses to co-operate with his plans for taking strong punitive action against Ramesh Rao. She instead complains that everybody has only ever tried to force their own will on her while nobody has ever bothered to ask her what she really wants. Her own father had also discouraged her earlier when she told him about the incident as he believed it would ruin the family's reputation. Her agitated father who is now with her in the Police Station escorts her back home away from a frustrated Bobby whose vigorous requests to her to stay back and fight for her rights like true comrades goes unheeded.  Seeing the old aggressive streak in Bobby again, Lilly is now convinced that Bobby's temperament had never really changed and that he only pities her present state rather than loving and respecting her. Despite Jaya's advise, she decides to meet up with a groom her family has arranged for her. Bobby comes into her house in the middle of this and tries to convince her one last time entreating her not to run away from her life and promising to stay and fight with her like a comrade. But Lilly blames him for not being around when she really needed him years ago and that she now sees a future with the new groom. Much to Bobby's dismay, she tells him that she would completely forget him in a few years just like he had done to her. A tearful Bobby leaves her place flashing back to his life over the past few years in Ladakh where he had attempted to find peace in life and heal his broken heart, but in vain. Lilly's memories had been with him every breath of the way. Ignorant of all this, Lilly gets confirmation of her marriage to be scheduled within the month and is suddenly consumed by the painful prospect of losing Bobby forever. She desperately reaches out for Bobby's old voice recorder that he had left for her as a healing aid. But the recordings in it were all Bobby's own personal messages to her over their years of separation that revealed his passionate and undying love for Lilly. She is ecstatic but it is soon cut short by the news that the video footage of Bobby assaulting Ramesh Rao has gone viral and the media has now made it a national issue. Lilly and her family are now firmly thrust into the media limelight. The Board of Control for Cricket in India appoints a four-member committee to investigate the allegations against Ramesh Rao.  The police officer in-charge of the sexual assault investigation, who is a friend of Ramesh Rao, arrests Bobby and incarcerates him. Bobby refuses to let the hook off Ramesh Rao despite being thrashed and threatened in custody. The officer also visits Lilly's family and tries to coerce Lilly to lie in exchange for the safe release of Bobby. So in her deposition before the BCCI committee, she reluctantly states that she wasn't sexually harassed and assaulted by Ramesh Rao, despite Bobby being present there and continuously urging her to take that one last step towards justice. Bobby is severely disillusioned by Lilly's defeatist stance and gives up the fight for justice. He apologises for all the trouble he has caused to everyone. He lies that he did all this out of some personal vengeance against Ramesh due to his anger management issues and that he only knew Lilly as a neighbour's distant relative and had seen her just a few times. This hurts Lilly badly and she tries to hold onto Bobby while he was being escorted back by the police. But he tearfully pushes her away stating that their journeys are so different that they can never meet. Ramesh Rao then goes on to insult both Bobby and Lilly in the court and demands an apology from Lilly for false allegations and defaming him and says that this was all just a cheap publicity stunt used by a mediocre player like her. Lilly, enraged by this and already hurt by Bobby's crestfallen lies, attacks Ramesh Rao in front of the committee and angrily confesses that he had indeed sexually harassed and assaulted her abusing his position as a selector. She swears to Ramesh Rao that she would not only break into the national team but also captain it one day. Bobby gets to watch all this from the sidelines unseen by Lilly and is delighted to see the return of the passionate cricketer in her. Later, when questioned by the media outside, Lilly faces them fearlessly and says that every woman should have a Comrade who supports her in her journey and instills courage in her to fight for her rights. She then desperately seeks out Bobby and tells him that she finally overcame her fears to nail Ramesh Rao and even beat him up in front of everyone. Bobby smilingly reveals that he did witness Aparna Devi coming to her own. Lilly then forces Bobby to take back his earlier hurtful statements as to their journeys being different. A beaming Bobby does so and the two lovers reunite, having finally embraced their true selves. During the credits roll, Bobby drops Lilly at the National Cricket Academy and gives her a fist-bump reaffirming that she is his true comrade.

Sabse Bada Hungama : South Movie | Wiki | Story | Box Office Collection | Star Cast | Budget | Reviews

Sabse Bada Hungama (Kalakalappu 2) 2019 New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Jiiva, Catherine

Sabse Bada Hungama : South Movie

The movie starts with Raghu trying to kill his own father for not taking good care of his family. That is when he comes to know that he owns an ancestral property in Kasi which was given as lease almost 100 years ago. At the same time, an IT raid takes place in a minister's house. The minister hands over the laptop having his property detail to his auditor, who demands five crores to hand over the laptop. In Kasi, Raghu's ancestral property is taken care by Seenu, but he was unsuccessful in the business that he is doing. It is then shown that both Seenu and Raghu had been cheated by Ganesh. They move to Karaikudi to get hold of Ganesh and get back their money. Meanwhile, the minister starts his journey to get back the laptop. How Raghu and Seenu get back their money and how the minister gets back the laptop forms the rest of the story. Movie:- Sabse Bada Hungama (Kalakalappu 2) StarCast:- Jiiva, Nikki Galrani, Jai, Shiva, Sundar C, Catherine Tresa Music:- Hiphop Tamizha Producer:- Riwaz Duggal Director:- Sundar C

Mla Ka Power : South Movie | Wiki | Story | Box Office Collection | Star Cast | Budget | Reviews

MLA Ka oPower (MLA) 2018 New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Nandamuri Kalyanram, Kajal Aggarwal

Presenting South Indian Movies Dubbed In Hindi Full Movie 2018 New (Hindi Movies, South Movie 2018, 2018 New Hindi Dubbed Movie) "MLA Ka Power (MLA - Manchi Lakshanalunna Abbai)" starring Nandamuri Kalyanram & Kajal Aggarwal. Exclusively on Aditya Movies - Telugu & Hindi

Credits: Film Name MLA Ka Power (MLA) Cast: Nandamuri Kalyanram, Kajal Aggarwal Producer: Aditya Music India Pvt. Ltd Written & Director: Upendra Madhav Music Director: Mani Sharma Cinematography: Prasad Murella Edited by Bikkina Thammiraju Synopsis: Kalyan (Kalyan Ram) is a easy-going young man who is referred to as MLA (Manchi Lakshanalunna Abbayi) for his good qualities. He falls in love with Indu (Kajal Aggarwal), who turns out to be the managing director of his company When the land belonging to the company is seized by a local goon (Ajay), Kalyan promises to get back on the condition that Indu accepts his love if he is successful. The latter accepts his condition but after Kalyan retrieves the land, comes a twist in the tale. The action then shifts from a urban backdrop to the village of Veerabhadrapuram where Gadappa (Ravi Kishen), a ruthless politician, has been constantly winning the elections for decades against his arch rival Nagappa (Jayaprakash Reddy) and his family. Why did Kalyan go to Veerabhadrapuram? Is Indu really what she professes to be? What effect will the tussle between the families of Gadappa and Nagappa have on the residents of Veerabhadrapuram?

Super Hit " Rocket Raja " Wiki | Story | Box Office Collection | Star Cast | Budget | Reviews

Rocket Raja (Thikka) Hindi Dubbed Full Movie | Sai Dharam Tej, Larissa Bonesi, Mannara Chopra

Aditya and Anjali are a couple who are in love with each other. However, due to certain problems, they break up and Aditya calls for a breakup party with his friends. During the party, a crazy incident occurs that changes the course of Aditya's life. The rest of the story is how Aditya manages to come out of this crazy situation and gets his life back on track. Movie:- Rocket Raja (Thikka) Starcast:- Sai Dharam Tej, Larissa Bonesi, Mannara Chopra, Rajendra Prasad, Raghu Babu, Ali, Vennela Kishore Directed by:- Sunil Reddy Music by:- S. Thaman

Super Hit " MLA No-1 " Wiki | Story | Box Office Collection | Star Cast | Budget | Reviews

MLA No-1 2019 New Released Hindi Dubbed Full Movie | Srikanth, Manchu Manoj, Diksha Panth

"Watch #MLANO1 (Operation 2019) New Released Hindi Dubbed Full Movie Starring # Srikanth, Diksha Panth, Manchu Manoj Directed by Karanam Babji Movie Synopsis : An NRI Uma Shankar heads his village with intent to do good to his people. He appoints a reputed person from his village to contest in elections. However, his candidate loses in election and he lands in jail for slapping the winning candidate. After a year, when he turns back, decides to take revenge by becoming an MLA. His mission and hunger for power becomes rest of the story. Credits: Directed by : Karanam Babji Produced by : Umesh Gupta Music Director : Rap Rock Shakeel Cinematographer : Venkat Prasad Exclusively on Aditya Movies

5 Star Rating Movie ***** Sketch * Movie Story in Hindi Wikipedia Reviews

Sketch south indian hindi dubbed movie

Starring : Vikram, Tamannaah
Director : Vijay Chandar
Producer : Moving Frame
Music Director : S. Thaman
Cinematographer : M. Sukumar
Editor : Ruben
Chiyaan Vikram’s much-anticipated action thriller, Sketch has hit the big screens today. The movie has Vikram and Tamannah in the lead roles. Let’s see what this movie offers us.
Sketch(Vikram) makes a living by recovering vehicles of those who don’t pay their dues. He gets involved in a gang war with another group who develops hatred towards him. One fine day, he meets Ammu(Tamannah) in the process of recovering a bike and falls in love with her. Eventually, he gets into neck deep trouble for stealing the main antagonist’s car with whom he has problems. How he comes out of all these problems forms the rest of the story.
Plus points:
Vikram looks apt for the role and comes up with a natural performance. His shaggy look and ease of acting help in bringing depth to the character. Vikram does really well as a person with a carefree attitude and arrogance.
Tamannah has limited screen presence but emotes well. She is seen in a traditional attire through the movie and impresses with her mature performance. The star heroine looks really beautiful in the romantic songs. The movie is pacy and offers decent entertainment in some parts of the first half.
Minus points:
The plot of the story is quite predictable and offers nothing new to the audience. The interval episode looks prolonged and lack of intensity plays the spoiler part here. With the presence of too many action episodes, one may lose interest in the movie. The way Sketch deals with the main antagonist during the climax look a bit comical and silly.
The movie takes weird turns in the second half as the proceedings look rushed and unconvincing. A few unwanted scenes here and there take a toll on the pace of the movie. The climax is a complete let down as the director builds up good intensity towards the end but ends the film with just a simple action episode.
Technical aspects:
The camera department did a decent job of keeping things simple. A few fights have been captured well and the visuals look good. Music plays a key role as the music director did a commendable job with his uplifting BGM. The production values are decent and bring an authentic vibe to the proceedings.
The editing should’ve been crisp as there are many unwanted episodes in the second half. A few patchy and unwanted scenes tamper with the actual story line and stretch the movie for no reason. Director Vijay Chandra tries offering a social message but fails to justify any such thing in the entire movie. The way he narrates things in the climax is completely unappealing.
On the whole, Sketch is a routine suspense drama which does not offer anything that was promised in the trailers. It is an out and out mass film that may appeal only to a certain B and C center audience. The unconvincing climax and out of the blue social message deviate the film’s mood completely. Apart from Vikram and Tamannah’s screen presence, this film has nothing much going its way and can be watched when it is aired on TV.

SuperHit South Movie Kajol-Dhanush VIP 2 Movie Star Cast Wiki Info Rating

Dhanush-Kajol's VIP 2 movie review and rating

Director : Soundarya Rajinikanth
Producers : Dhanush
Music Director : Sean Roldan
Starring : Dhanush, Kajol, Amala Paul
After the huge success of VIP, Dhanush and team are back with its sequel which has been titled VIP 2. The only addition to the cast is the mighty Kajol who plays the negative role in the film. Read on to see whether the sequel lives up to its expectations or not.
Story :-
The story continues from where it was left in the first part. Raghuvaran(Dhanush) is a successful engineer who works for Anita constructions, a new entry into the corporate world. Their sudden rise is not digested by the MD(Kajol) of Vasundhara Constructions who starts targeting both the company and Raghuvaran personally. Rest of the story is as to how a small-time engineer like Raghuvaran takes on the might Vasundhara in the big bad corporate world.
Plus Points :-
The film heavily relies on the star power of Kajol and Dhanush. As expected, Dhanush is pretty impressive in the film. His body language, dialogue delivery and the way he matches his screen presence with Kajol look good on screen. Vivek is decent with his comedy as the film moves swiftly till the half point.
Kajol looks gorgeous as the corporate company head and does a good job. All her confrontation scenes with Dhanush have been executed quite well. The comedy scenes between Dhanush and Amala Paul in the first half evoke good laughs.
Minus Points :-
VIP clicked mainly because of the interesting thrills and amazing background score by Anirudh. That is clearly missing in the sequel. After writing the first half fairly well, Dhanush is short of tricks and ends the story in a silly and stupid manner.
Both Kajol and Dhanush, who don’t see eye to eye bond over a few drinks in a helpless situation and end their animosity in the most logic less manner. This looks over the top completely. Ritu Varma is wasted in a cameo.
Also, there is no conflict point after a while as the war between Kajol and Dhanush is sidetracked and the film takes another route completely. Clearly, the film misses out on the charm, wit, and humor that worked in the first part.
Technical Aspects :-
Music by Sean Roldan is a huge disappointment as not even one song is impressive. The same goes for his background score too. Camera work is neat and so were the production values. Kajol has been designed supremely well. Dialogues are very good and have been written quite interestingly.
Coming to the director Soundary Rajnikanth, she has made a mess of the sequel. She could do justice to the film only till the first half. Her screenplay during the second half and the way she ends the film abruptly is hugely disappointing. Not even one factor during the second half looks interesting as the film falls flat on his face.
Verdict :-
On the whole, VIP 2 is a silly sequel who does not live up to its expectations. Kajol and Dhanush’s confrontational scenes during the first half are the only saving grace. Abrupt ending, lack of a conflict point and basic drama during the second half makes the film go downslide and leaves you in despair. Check out for some better releases that have hit the screens this weekend.
Film: "VIP 2: Lalkar"; Director: Soundarya Rajinikanth; Cast: Dhanush, Kajol, Amala Paul, Ritu Verma, Balaji Mohan, Samuthirakani, Vivek; Rating: **1/2

This film suffers from sequel fatigue but unlike its prequel, this is not really an underdog story.

Taking off from where it left in its prequel, the 2014 released "VIP", it is the tale of the jobless, yet conscientious engineer, Raghuvaran (Dhanush).

He is now married to his neighbourhood sweetheart and is humility personified. He is still working for Anitha Constructions, commutes on his favourite moped whom he calls "Soundari" and becomes a brave-heart after a couple of drinks.

The film begins with him winning the prestigious, "Engineer of the Year Award", at a shoddily presented function, where all the awards have been predominantly taken by Vasundhara Constructions, a company headed by the snooty and arrogant, Vasundara Parmeshwara (Kajol).

After the awards, when he is invited to join Vasundhara Constructions, he flatly refuses on grounds of loyalty. Taking offence to this, Vasundhara ensures that he not only loses his job but can't survive in the city. How Raghuvaran tilts the scales in his favour, forms the crux of this tale.

With the story credited to Dhanush, arrogance and humility are the two key factors that propel this "mass appeal" plot. Gimmicky scenes and songs are gummed up to create star appeal and this one hour film is stretched to two, with Dhanush's heroism going nowhere in particular.

The first half of the narrative meanders with meaningless scenes. It is only ten minutes after intermission, when Raghuvaran gets motivated, by his father and dead mother, that the film gets some semblance of a concrete progression.

The dialogues are mundane and rustic. Some peppered with lyrics of the early 1970s Hindi film songs, the director manages to extract empathy from its older audience. But overall, the lines lack punch both in weightage and delivery. But nevertheless, it is Dhanush's antics that keeps the audience hooked.

With his ordinary boyish charm, Dhanush does make an effortless impact. But it is his larger than life character and over-the-top acting with his artificially created superstar swag, that make him look out of place. Nevertheless, he is lovable.

Kajol as the antagonist and femme-fatale Vasundhara is an eye-sore. She does not gravitate from frowning.

Amala Paul as Raghuvaran's wife Shalini and Ritu Verma as Raghuvaran's boss of Anita Construction are relegated to the background with miniscule roles.

Samuthirakani as Raghuvaran's dad and Vivek as Raghuvaran's younger brother have their moments of on screen glory.

The music in the film does have its moments and the choreography is the typical big-ticket jamboree and they do nothing in terms of the narrative.

Overall, the film is astutely mounted. It is only the poor dubbing that mars the viewing experience...
KAALA SuperHit South Movie In Hindi Info Wiki Reviews Star Cast

KAALA SuperHit South Movie In Hindi Info Wiki Reviews Star Cast

‘Kaala’ tells the tale of a young Tamilian named Kaala Karikalan from Tirunelveli, who becomes a big-shot don in Mumbai. Ranjith, in an interview, revealed that it was Rajinikanth’s idea to choose Dharavi as the setting. In the film, Rajinikanth is tipped to be a playing a slumlord of sorts, who will be seen fighting for the rights of Tamil people in Dharavi. From the teasers and posters, Ranjith has played quite well with colour. Rajinikanth is clad in absolute black, while Nana Patekar is given a white-shade. Black, as we know, mostly symbolises evil. But Ranjith is trying to address a more important issue in ‘Kaala’. At least, that’s what the teaser/trailer suggests. Even if the film manages to deliver half of what’s shown in the terrific trailer, ‘Kaala’ is very likely to emerge as one of the biggest hits this year.
See Full Story Here
1/6‘Kaala’: Five reasons to watch superstar Rajinikanth’s much-awaited film
After two years, superstar Rajinikanth is back on the silver screen once again with a gangster drama titled, ‘Kaala’, which is one of the biggest Tamil releases this year. Even before its release, the film has created a huge buzz among the audience as it marks Rajini-Ranjith’s second film after their blockbuster ‘Kabali’. Produced by Dhanush’s Wunderbar Films, ‘Kaala’ is all set to hit the screens on June 7. With just a day left for the release, we give you five reasons to watch the Rajinikanth-starrer.
2/6Rajinikanth, the leader of masses
Of course, the most important reason to catch ‘Kaala’ is superstar Rajinikanth, the name that resonates with millions of fans in Tamil Nadu. Ever since the commencement of ‘Kaala’, fans have been patiently waiting for the release, as Rajinikanth’s ‘Kabali’ was a disappointment. Despite humongous expectations, ‘Kabali’ met with mixed responses from critics and audience. Many felt disappointed to watch Rajinikanth play such a weak protagonist in ‘Kabali’. However, Rajinikanth was quick to correct his mistake. At ‘Kaala’ audio launch, Rajinikanth stated that ‘Kaala’ is a sure shot commercial film with a strong message for the people. Rajinikanth is someone who doesn’t necessarily have to promote his films. Each time his film releases in Tamil Nadu, it’s a festival for fans and ‘Kaala’ is no different. Amid all controversies, the film is finally hitting the screens worldwide and the expectation it has among fans is palpable. People are also closely watching Rajinikanth as ‘Kaala’ marks his first release after his political entry.
3/6A Pa Ranjith’s film
More than a filmmaker, Pa Ranjith has established himself as a political commentator and his films largely talks about several socio-political issues, be it ‘Madras’ or ‘Kabali’. In fact, Ranjith revealed that Rajinikanth initially wanted to do a sequel to ‘Kabali’. However, Ranjith came up with a completely different script, which reportedly impressed Rajinikanth. When Pa Ranjith teamed up Rajinikanth once again for ‘Kaala’, it raised several eyebrows. However, ‘Kaala’ made the right noises when its teaser was released on the internet. Apart from the obvious things, the dialogue ‘’Kye re? Setting ah!” became a pop-culture phenomenon. So far, Ranjith’s films have questioned several issues like caste and class. Going by the trailer, it looks Ranjith has now talked about the importance of land and identity. Ranjith had reportedly stated that he wanted someone as big as superstar Rajinikanth to take convey his beliefs and principles.
4/6The plot of ‘Kaala’
‘Kaala’ tells the tale of a young Tamilian named Kaala Karikalan from Tirunelveli, who becomes a big-shot don in Mumbai. Ranjith, in an interview, revealed that it was Rajinikanth’s idea to choose Dharavi as the setting. In the film, Rajinikanth is tipped to be a playing a slumlord of sorts, who will be seen fighting for the rights of Tamil people in Dharavi. From the teasers and posters, Ranjith has played quite well with colour. Rajinikanth is clad in absolute black, while Nana Patekar is given a white-shade. Black, as we know, mostly symbolises evil. But Ranjith is trying to address a more important issue in ‘Kaala’. At least, that’s what the teaser/trailer suggests. Even if the film manages to deliver half of what’s shown in the terrific trailer, ‘Kaala’ is very likely to emerge as one of the biggest hits this year.
5/6Strong supporting cast
One of the main highlights of ‘Kaala’, apart from the ‘Thalaivar’, is its ensemble cast that boasts of some big names in the industry. At the audio launch of ‘Kaala’, Rajinikanth admitted his mistake of romancing young heroines, which has received lukewarm response from the audience. In ‘Kaala’, Rajinikanth plays his age and has been paired opposite Eswari Rao, who reportedly plays his wife named Selvi. On the other hand, the Bollywood actress Huma Qureshi is reported to be playing Rajinikanth’s ex-lover named Zareena. Interestingly, a picture of Rajinikanth with Zareena’s name as a tattoo went viral on the internet. Huma Qureshi, in an interview, has stated that the romance between Zareena and Kaala Karikalan is handled very beautifully. In fact, Pa Ranjith was widely appreciated for the matured romance between Kabali and Kumudhavalli in ‘Kabali’. But the interesting choice is to cast veteran actor Nana Patekar as the prime antagonist. Going by the trailer, Nana Patekar seems to play a cunning politician, who’s pitted against Rajini in this one. Rajinikanth himself said that Nana Patekar’s character in ‘Kaala’ is one of his favourites. The film also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Samuthirakani, Anjali Patil, Arul Doss and Sakshi Agarwal in prominent roles.
6/6Music by Santhosh Narayanan
Among the younger lot, Santhosh Narayanan is currently the happening music composer, who somehow manages to never disappoint music lovers. Following the chartbusting album of ‘Kabali’, director Pa Ranjith has retained Santhosh Narayanan for ‘Kaala’ as well. Apart from the songs, one of the things to look forward to in ‘Kaala’ is its background score. Be it ‘Jigarthanda’ or ‘Kabali’, Santhosh Narayanan has churned out some of the pulsating score for the film. In fact, the guitar riffs for ‘Neruppu Da’ created waves when ‘Kabali’ hit the screens in 2016. Despite huge expectations, ‘Kaala’ album has mostly received mixed responses from the audience. However, the songs ‘Thanga Sela’, ‘Katravai Patravai’ and ‘Poraduvom’ are easily the best of the lot.
Before ‘Kaala', Here Are The Best Gangster Films Of Tamil Cinema
Last updated on - 6 Jun, 2018
1/7Before ‘Kaala', here are the best gangster films of Tamil cinema
One of the highly anticipated Tamil films of the year, ‘Kaala’, is gearing up for a massive release onJune 7. The film will see Rajinikanth playing a gangster named Kaala Karikalan, who will reportedly fight for the rights of Tamils. Over the years, Tamil cinema has an interesting relationship with the gangster genre. In fact, some of the best gangster films have come from Kollywood. With just three days left for ‘Kaala’ release, here’s a list of popular gangster films you shouldn’t miss.
Regarded as one of the best Indian films ever, ‘Nayagan’ (1987), directed by ace filmmaker Mani Ratnam, is one Tamil film that earned a global audience. Loosely based on the life of the Mumbai gangster Varadarajan Mudaliar, ‘Nayagan’ chronicles the life journey of Sakthivel Naicker (Kamal Haasan) from his teens to death. Upon release, ‘Nayagan’ became a trendsetter of sorts and went on to become a landmark film in the history of Tamil cinema. In fact, it marked the first and only collaboration of Mani Ratnam with Kamal Haasan, who won his second National Award for Best Actor. It’s also one of the few films that got featured in Time Magazine’s 100 Best Films of All Time. ‘Nayagan’ opened to terrific reviews and became a monstrous success at the box-office. Even after all these years, the film is widely popular for Haasan’s confrontation scene with his daughter Charu.